
Friday 15 July 2011

Informational Books About Flowers

A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants

  • This book, which is endorsed by England's Royal Horticultural Society, lists over 15,000 different garden plants and flowers with descriptions provided by more than 1,000 horticulturalists. Each entry provides such information as growing techniques, physical characteristics, native habitats and how to protect the plants during the winter. The volume boasts color illustrations and photographs throughout its pages and is designed to be reader-friendly to both seasoned gardeners and those with no gardening experience. Several editions are available from Dorling Kindersley (DK) Publishing, in both hardcover and paperback formats. The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) for the most recent edition in English is 1405332964.

National Audubon Society Field Guides to North American Wildflowers

  • The National Audubon Society is a non-profit organization committed to educating the public about wildlife and nature conservancy. Their Field Guides to North American Wildflowers describe wildflower species native to the eastern and western regions of the continent. The eastern region guide book for flowers found east of the Rocky Mountains, for example, provides detailed information on more than 650 different species, and limited information on additional flower species. These guide books are designed to help the reader identify flowers by color, shape and distinctive characteristics. The ISBN for the Field Guide to North American Wildflowers: Eastern Region, Revised Edition is 0375402322. The ISBN for the Field Guide to North American Wildflowers: Western Region, Revised Edition, which includes information about flowers found from the Rocky Mountains to the west coast, is 0375402330.

The Secrets of Wildflowers: A Delightful Feast of Little-Known Facts, Folklore, and History

  • This book by Jack Sanders provides more than botanical information about the thousands of types of wildflowers found in North America. Along with physical descriptions and pictures, this volume includes detailed information about the historical significances, traditional and unconventional uses, medicinal properties, and cultural traditions involving the flowers. The hardcover book, ISBN 1585746681 is published by The Lions Press

Topics About Flowers

Flowers in Food

  • Flowers can be as pleasing to the palate as they are to the eyes. While some flowers are not so tasty and others are entirely inedible, some of these beautiful buds are edible and, in fact, can add flavor to cooking. Explore the world of edible flowers, looking at flower derivatives, such as rose oil, as well as flowers that some eat whole, such as squash blossoms. Explore the ways in which these stunning flowers can be used in the crafting of foods as well as the potential health benefits associated with eating foods that contain flower parts.

Medicinal Flower Uses

  • In ancient times, and even to some extent in the contemporary world, people turn to flowers for their medicinal powers. Sunflowers, for example, have been known to ease menstrual pain and aid in the soothing of sore throats. Likewise, chrysanthemums have been said to be effective in curing colds and reducing fevers. To increase your ability to put flowers to use for more than just aesthetic purposes, explore the medicinal uses of flowers, creating a catalog of what ailments flowers can cure as well as how flowers can be used for these purposes.

Flower Meanings

  • While nearly all flowers are beautiful, some have more than just a pleasing appearance. Historically, many flowers have been symbolically linked to meanings. For example, yellow roses have long been a symbol of friendship. Gather information on the meanings associated with common flowers as well as where these meanings originated. Explore ways in which a bouquet crafted while taking these meanings into consideration can be more meaningful and appropriate than a randomly gathered group of flowers.

Aesthetics of Floral Arrangement

  • Though aesthetics may seem quite simple, in truth, there is science behind the process of crafting something beautiful. Scientists have, for example, found that things that are symmetric are generally seen as more attractive than asymmetrical objects. Research the science of beauty, and apply your findings to the art of floral arrangement, gathering information on how arrangers produce flower clusters that are more appealing by considering scientifically sound principles of beauty.

Choosing the Best Flower Garden Location

For large home estates and businesses, flower gardens are as much as part of the landscape and design as are the buildings. Some large corporations and sprawling manors pay landscape nurseries to tear out and replace entire flower gardens each season, in order to maintain consistent color schemes and patterns.
Most single-family dwellers do not have the luxury of replacing flower gardens every season. Knowledgeable gardeners save time, energy, and money by gathering information about the types of flowers that will grow best in their garden. Part of that research includes finding the best location for their flower garden, before buying plants or seeds, or turning the first shovel of dirt. If you choose the best location of your property to grow flowers, then you will most likely never have to relocate your flower bed. Some things to consider when choosing the best location for your flower garden are:
  • Sunlight. The amount of sunlight your flowers require differs among species. If you are going to plant roses, then you need to choose a site that gets at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. If you like ferns or Hostas, they require at least 50% shade to grow optimally.
  • Soil drainage. Knowing the rate at which your soil drains is crucial when planting a flower garden. If your soil is sandy, it will drain very fast. It will drain very slowly if your dirt is full of clay. The leading cause of death for flowering plants is poor soil drainage. When choosing a location for your flower garden, test the soil before planting and correct any issues.
  • Water location. How far away is the water hose from your garden? Save time and energy by choosing a garden site close to a source of water, else you will find yourself trucking water to the garden by bucket or sprinkler can. If you plan on growing a very large flower garden, you could invest in a water irrigation system.
  • Soil quality. Flowers grow best in slightly acidic soil, with a pH within the range of 6.5 to 7.2. Purchase a soil test kit from your garden center and follow the instructions to test your soil. If your findings determine that you need to adjust the pH levels of your soil, add lime to reduce alkaline or add sulfur to reduce acid. Retest your soil in two weeks and then adjust again, if necessary. Add compost to your soil regardless the pH levels.
Starting a flower garden can be fun and exciting. You can save yourself many hours of frustration, however, if you plan carefully and choose the best location to plant your flowers.

Choosing Sunflowers

he sunflower seems to have it all. Sunflowers are a very versatile plant it is nutritious, attractive, and the seeds are very healthy for us. The sunflower is seen as both a flower and as a vegetable. While they are native to North America this flower can be seen growing around the world.
As a flower the sunflower is used as a bedding flower, in borders, and also used as a cut flower. The plant comes in dozens of varieties as well as different sizes. People love to have them in their yards, especially if they want to attract birds. People love to eat the seeds which are high in protein and are very popular when processed for cooking oil.
This is one of the easiest plants to grow. It is considered to be an annual plant. The seeds can be planted directly into the ground. With the seeds being big they are easy to handle making it a favorite of children to help plant. When planting a person should be mindful that the flowers love to see the sun and that the flowers will open facing the East. So when planning your garden, plant the seeds so that you will be able to see the flowers facing you, like on the west side of the house. The plant will mature anywhere from 70 to 90 days after being planted.
The sunflower can be planted most anywhere. They produce better flowers in full sun, but they can tolerate some shade. Sunflowers are to be considered as one of the hardiest plants. Little care is needed with sunflowers, especially if planted in rich soil. They can survive droughts and mild frosts. A lot of this is due to the fact that they have deep roots. If a hard freeze in the spring is anticipated then they should be covered. An added plus for this plant is that they seldom have disease problems.
Best time to harvest this plant is when the flowers begin to die, usually after the petals have fallen off. To test if the seeds are ready, pull a seed out of the flower and open it up to see if the seed is full. If the plant is ready then cut the head of the plant off, being sure to leave at least three to four inches of the stalk. In a well-ventilated area hang the stalks so they can dry. When the flower has dried rub two flowers together to extract the seeds. The seeds should come off easily.
We enjoy sharing this crop with wildlife. We also enjoy eating the seeds. Birds and squirrels will begin their assault before the seeds are completely ripe. You can protect against this annual invasion by covering the entire flower with an old nylon stocking, a cheese cloth bag, or any other covering that allows light and especially air to flow through. Do not use plastic bags, as moisture buildup will rot the flower and heat buildup will scald it. Some people will put a bag below the flower to catch any seeds that fall.

Best Flowers for Shady Spots

Nearly every gardening tip you read mentions the importance of sunshine when planning your garden. Sunshine is obviously an important part of any plant's life, since without the nutrients that the plant receives from the sun, the plant cannot grow. Every garden is going to have some parts that do not receive as much sunshine as they should. Fortunately, if you want to decorate in these areas, you do have options. Some plants need less sunshine than others. This guide is intended to help you find the best flowers to grow in those shady spots, to have those spots look just as good as the rest of your lawn.
The best flowers to grow in shady areas are perennials. The type of perennials that you use will vary, depending on how much shade there is in the area. Some plants can live in partial shade, while others can live with almost no sun at all.
If you have an area that is partially shady, grow plants such as Columbines, Bleeding Hearts, or Shooting Stars if you are looking for flowering plants, or Bergenias if you are looking for something more shrub-like. There are other options that you can find in many gardening centers, but these are the most common, at least in the United States.
If your area is completely shaded, you will have to go with a different tactic. Try growing flowers such as the Hosta. Ferns are a very common plant to grow in complete shade, since they tend to grow natively in woodland areas under large trees where they receive little shade. Shaded plants often have other things to worry about, such as invasive root structures. Be sure to investigate the particular plant you want to grow, since they may have special needs and have certain problems while growing in the shade.

Beautiful Spring Flowers

Spring is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Springtime is the time that the sun starts to shine again, the flowers start to grow, and the world seems to come back to life again after pausing over the winter break. If you want your garden to look great in the spring, you are going to have to start preparing the year before. If you get to work, the spring will look even more beautiful than ever, since you will have the most beautiful flowers growing around your house to brighten the already beautiful days.
The hardest part about growing spring flowers is choosing which flowers you want to use. To have those early spring flowers, you are going to have to use early bloomers, such as Snowdrops and Spring Snowflakes. These flowers all come in bulbs and need to be planted in the fall. When the winter months get really dark, you can think about the flowers that are just waiting to grow out of the ground once springtime comes around.
When you have chosen and purchased your bulbs, you will need to find the perfect spot for your flowers. The most important thing that you should look for while choosing a spot is that water drains well from the area, especially if you live in an area that gets heavy rainfall during the winter. If water stagnates in the spot where your bulbs are resting, it could kill off the flowers before they have a chance to grow. You should also try to find an area that has fertile soil with low acidity.
Now that you have both your bulbs and the spot to grow them, just dig a hole deep enough to cover the bulb, and place the bulb in the hole with the pointy end facing up. This is best done about six weeks before it really starts to get cold and the ground freezes. Cover the bulb with soil. Water the area well. If you want to keep your bulbs warm, which is recommended in very cold climates, cover the area with mulch or straw.
That is it. You do not have to do anything more except wait for the springtime to come around to enjoy your beautiful new flowers.

Attracting Hummingbirds to Your Garden

Attracting hummingbirds to your garden can be a boon in a couple of different ways. The first way is that these birds are a beautiful addition to any garden, bringing vibrant color and life to your landscape. The second way is that hummingbirds can often act as a natural propagator for your plants. In order to begin attracting those pretty little birds, you need to follow a few simple guidelines. After you have followed these guidelines, and all your elements are in place, you can simply sit back and enjoy the beauty that will be added to your garden.
  • Design appropriately. If you really want to have hummingbirds in your garden, then you need to view the whole garden as one big habitat. This means that everything in your garden and landscape needs to be designed towards enticing hummingbirds to come and visit you. Incorporate areas that are sunny as well as shady, and provide a constant source of clean water. Ideally, your garden will look and feel as natural as possible when you are done.
  • Choose the right plants. There are all kinds of plants that can attract a hummingbird to your garden. The best plants are the ones that are colorful and filled with nectar. Fragrance means very little to hummingbirds, so don't pay attention to that. Rather, use plants such as Red Columbine, Hollyhock, Honeysuckle, and Fuchsia. If you are looking for a tree, then you may want to consider using something like the Mimosa Silk tree. Be careful though when using this one, since it can be pretty invasive.
  • Use feeders. If you will be using a feeder, then you want to make sure that it is bright red, so that the birds can see it from a long way off. The only thing that you should put into your feeder is sugar-water, never anything like honey. If you use honey, you may end up killing your little guests, since honey can potentially develop a fungus when left out which will prove fatal to the birds. When you mix your sugar water, use a ratio of 4 to 1. This means four parts of water, to one part sugar.
  • Reduce predator problems. Hummingbirds can often provide a tasty treat for local predators, such as cats. This being said, you should limit any possible predator problem as much as you can. Do not hang a bird feeder anywhere near where a cat can hide, or near anything that a bird can pounce off of.

Attracting Hummingbirds

n warmer areas of the world, hummingbirds are seen all year long. In parts of the world where seasons change and bring colder weather, hummingbirds visit us from spring to fall. Follow these guidelines to help attract hummingbirds to your yard:
  • Since hummingbirds feed on flowers that produce nectar containing at least twenty-five percent sugar, you can encourage hummingbirds to frequent your yard by planting those types of flowers. Some flower nectars high in sugar content are columbine, honeysuckle, sage, fuchsia, bottlebrush, impatiens, larkspur, flowering eucalyptus, and trumpet vine.
  • Sometimes it may take several seasons for those plants to produce enough flowers to attract hummingbirds, so you can place prepared nectar into hummingbird feeders around your property. You can find hummingbird feeders at lawn and garden centers, where you can also buy prepared nectar. Or, you can prepare your own nectar following this simple recipe with four cups of water and one cup of white granulated sugar.
  • Use bright red feeders since most hummingbirds are drawn to the color red.
  • Place your feeders on poles in your flower garden, or hang them from your porch near flowers. If you don't see hummingbirds visiting your feeders, make sure that you place the feeders around flowers.
  • Stream red ribbons from your feeders to catch the attention of hummingbirds.
  • Provide perches for hummingbirds, since they may need a place to rest in between feedings.
  • Since hummingbirds can be aggressive and territorial about nectar sources, place other feeders in inconspicuous places so that all of the hummingbirds can feed.
  • Place feeders at varying heights to attract different species. One variety of hummingbird will favor a height of twelve feet, while another variety prefers feeders closer to the ground.
You might invest in a water mister to attract hummingbirds, since they love to bathe in mist. Or, if you have broad-leafed plants, mist them often to attract hummingbirds to the water. Hummingbirds, as with all birds, will gather foliage and bits of grass for nesting. Provide flowers and plants, and offer abundant nesting materials to encourage females to nest in your yard.

Gardening Tips

Artificially Pollinating Flowers


While it is not the most desirable method for pollinating your flowers, artificially pollinating flowers can definitely get the job done. Whether that job is promoting the health and care of your plants and flowers, or it is trying to create your own brand of flowers, artificially pollinating flowers is a great tool and method that you can use. You need to use care when artificially pollinating flowers.
Before you begin artificially pollinating the flowers in your garden, you need to be sure that you know what you are doing. What this means is that you will need to understand the anatomy of your particular flower well enough that you will be able to perform the procedure without damaging the flower. It is extremely easy to damage a flower or plant when you are artificially pollinating them. It is always a good idea to practice the procedure a few times so that you are fully confident in what your actions.
  1. Insert pollinator. When artificially pollinating your flowers, you will need to have a tool or some implement that you can use to transfer the pollen from one flower to another. This tool is called a pollinator. Considering the size of the flower you will be working with, you will want to use one of two things, either the rounded end of a toothpick, or even a cotton swab. Simply insert the pollinator into the flower, and then rub it around in a circular motion. This should coat the pollinator adequately with pollen. Be sure that you are being gentle when doing this so that you do not damage the flower in any way.
  2. Reinsert pollinator in another flower. After you have collected the pollen on the pollinator, remove it from your first flower, and reinsert it in a different one. Once again, you will need to be gentle as you do this to avoid damaging the flower in any way. With the pollinator in the second flower, be sure that you gently rub the interior of the flower in a circular motion to spread the pollen around.
  3. Repeat the process. Repeat steps one and two with all of the flowers that you wish to artificially pollinate. Be sure that you keep track of which flowers you have already pollinated so you do not inadvertently repeat the process on a flower you have already finished.

Tips, Tricks, and Answers

The following articles are available for the 'Flowers' topic. Click the article's title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.
Artificially Pollinating Flowers
Not only does pollinating your flowers allow them to flourish and thrive, but also allow you to experiment and create new types of flowers. However, you cannot always count on natural pollinators to get the job done. That's when you have to begin artificially pollinating flowers. If you find yourself needing to do that, then here's what you do.
Attracting Hummingbirds
Like all birds, hummingbirds choose nesting materials from flower gardens, lawns, and foliage. Make sure that you not only place feeders full of nectar in your yard, but have an abundant amount of nesting material available to attract beautiful hummingbirds to your yard.
Attracting Hummingbirds to Your Garden
Whether you are looking to attract a little bit of extra beauty to your garden, or you are looking for help in propagating your plants, attracting hummingbirds to your garden can seriously help.
Beautiful Spring Flowers
If you want to grow gorgeous flowers in early spring, you'll need to start planting bulbs the fall before. Plant your bulbs with the pointy end up in an area that is well drained. Keep your plants warm in the winter with mulch or straw, and they will bloom when spring comes around.
Best Flowers for Shady Spots
Not all plants need lots of sunshine, so there are plants you can grow in shady parts of your yard as well. Perennials grow best in shade, and you can choose which flowers you grow depending on how much sunlight and shade the area gets. Particular plants may have special needs in the shade, so make sure to research the plants you decide to grow.
Caring for Oriental Lilies
Are you looking for a way to make your garden a little different from others that may be in your neighborhood? If you would like to have a lily that is a little more exotic than what most people see every day, you should try Oriental lilies. Caring for Oriental lilies is a little different than caring for other kinds of flowers though.
Choosing Sunflowers
Choosing sunflowers over other flowers is a wise choice, as this plant is very versatile. It is considered to be both a flower and a vegetable. Find out why this plant is loved by gardeners all around the world.
Choosing the Best Flower Garden Location
There is more to growing flowers than simply digging holes for seeds or plantings. Choosing the best flower garden location is crucial for optimal results.
Choosing the Right Flower Fertilizer
Flowers need different nutrients to grow, and not all of those nutrients will be found in your garden soil. You can either plant plants that only require the nutrients you have in your soil, or find a fertilizer that will replenish the nutrients not naturally found in your soil. A good mixed fertilizer will usually do the trick, but you can also test your soil to see what specific nutrients you need.
Choosing the Right Sized Flowerpot
Flowerpots are convenient because they are mobile, and they are also decorative. When choosing the right flowerpot, be careful to think of what will look nice in that area of your home. You also need to keep in mind the needs of the plant. Some plants like to have their roots all in one tiny area, while other plants like to have a wide space for their roots to grow.
Cold-Weather Flower Gardens
While many people think that you can only have a beautiful garden in summer, you truly can have a gorgeous winter garden as well. If you make sure to plant your flowers before the ground freezes, and you water them regularly, you should have no problem keeping up your winter plants. Make sure that you choose appropriate cold-weather plants to grow.
Creating a Beginner's Flower Garden
Starting a flower garden is easy. Make sure you have the right spot chosen out to grow your flowers. Choose the flowers that will be easy to grow in your particular area and soil. Prepare the soil and plant the flower. Remember not to water too much or the flowers will not grow very well.
Edible Flowers
When choosing flowers to serve with your meal, make certain that they are not of the poisonous variety. Remember that flowers from a florist are inappropriate as edible flowers because of the chemicals and toxic products used in their production. Instead, choose flowers form your own garden or from a certified organic supplier.
Flower Arrangements
Many people think there is some secret to arranging flowers like the pros. In all actuality though, flower arrangements are a relatively easy thing to create. All you need is a little material, some imagination, and a little practice. Use these guidelines to help you out.
Flowers for the Window Box
A window box is simply another way to become creative with container gardening. Choose flowers for your window boxes based upon the amount of sunlight they will receive, the window box size, and the colors you'd like to use to enhance the outside of your home.
Garden Flowers
A beautiful garden full of flowers is the dream of many home gardeners. After all, who wouldn't want to have a garden full of beautiful blooming flowers, something that could be easily seen on the cover of a magazine somewhere? Before you can achieve that dream, though, you need to learn about one of the most basic items for this type of garden—the garden flowers.
Growing a Flowering Fence
Are you tired of using the same old style of fencing for your yard? If so, why not use something called a flowering fence? These types of fences are beautiful, and can add a touch of the unique to your home. Best of all, growing a flowering fence is surprisingly easy.
Growing Chamomile
Chamomile is one of those truly wonderful, beautiful, and multipurpose plants. Not only does it smell great, taste great as a tea, but it also looks great. If you are interested in adding a little something extra to your garden, or would like to possibly start making your own tea, then you really ought to think of growing chamomile.
Growing Flowers in the Shade
Shade flowers provide the gardener with an opportunity to be creative in darker spots of their landscape. Choose flowers that thrive in shade, appear year after year, plant them correctly, and the shady spots of your yard will burst with color.
Growing Lavender
Lavender has long been a world wide favorite, and is often known for its fragrance and color. If you would like to add some beautiful color, and enchanting odors to your next flower garden, then you can do it by growing lavender. Here's how.
Growing Prize-Winning Flowers
The most important thing about growing prize-winning flowers is making sure that your flowers get the right nutrients. Make sure to test your soil in the areas where you want to grow flowers. If your soil doesn't have all of the nutrients your flowers need, you can supplement it with the right kind of fertilizer.
Growing Tea at Home
If you are tea enthusiast, and love to do some gardening, then why not spend a little time growing some tea. It's not only surprisingly easy, it will also allow you to create your own special tea blends.
How to Plant Seeds
Planting seeds has got to be one of the most basic tasks possible in gardening, and yet so many people still don't know how to do it. This could be due to the fact that they think it is a simple task, or that they are simply not taking enough time to do it properly. Whatever the reason though, it is always a good idea to refresh our skills from time to time. Keep reading if you would like to learn how to plant seeds.
Landscaping with Bedding Plants
Landscaping with bedding plants is one of the most traditional methods for landscaping in the United States. The reason for this is that bedding plants are usually very easy to take care of, when the proper preparations are taken. Here are a few precautions and tricks that you can use to make your bedding plant landscaping as successful as possible.
Lilac Care
The lilac bush is the answer when looking for a bush that requires low maintenance and still has many other great qualities. Find out what else this great bush can do and how to care for your lilac bush.
Meanings of Flowers
If you've ever received flowers, you realize how much the gift can mean. But are you aware that all flowers have specific meaning? In other words, certain varieties mean different things. So, the next time you receive flowers, understand the meaning the giver is trying to convey.
Planting Clematis
Clematis can be intimating when it comes to planting and growing. It doesn't have to be this way. Learn how to have healthy and beautiful clematis looking their best. Read on for more information.
Planting Peonies
Peonies are one of the longest-lived perennial plants that you will encounter. They can last literally a life time as well as the life time of your grandchildren. You just need to know how to care for them. Find out how easy planting peonies can be in this article.
Planting Poinsettias
Poinsettias have long been a symbol of the Holidays. In fact, it seems like we only really ever see them during this festive time of the year. But where do they come from, and when is the best time to plant them? Planting poinsettias can be a relatively simple process, as long as you take the correct steps.
Poppy Gardens
If you have ever seen the poppy flower, then you know just how beautiful these little plants can be. What's even more impressive is that the poppy is an extremely hardy plant that doesn't need specific attention to ensure that it thrives. In fact, if you are looking for a plant to add color and variety to your easy care garden, then you can't really go wrong with the poppy.
Preparing Hanging Flower Pots
Hanging flower pots are simply another version of container gardening all dressed up. Used mainly for aesthetics, hanging flower pots can add visual interest and texture to your back deck, front porch, and inside of your home.
Repotting Flowers
When your flowers outgrow their pots, it is time to repot them. There are several signs that you plant needs a new pot, especially if it seems like it's not getting enough water even though you're watering it. You'll need to repot your plant in a pot that is two to three inches bigger in diameter than the current pot, and you'll want to add soil all around the current roots. Be sure to water your plant well once it is repotted.
Sprucing Up the Flower Garden
Sprucing up your flower garden not only makes it look better, it can promote new flower growth. And you can also use garden accents and lighting, along with decorative mulch, to reinvigorate your flower garden to give it a fresh look.
Successfully Planting Flower Bulbs
You can take your chances and buy flower bulbs willy nilly, place them into the ground haphazardly, and simply wait to see what emerges during the growing season. In order to successfully plant flower bulbs, however, you need to determine what you want to bloom, when you want it to bloom, and take care to plant your bulbs correctly.
Taking Care of Tulips
Of all flowers, bulb flowers are the easiest to care for, and especially tulips. Remember to plant them in a sunny location, don't overwater them after planting, and then deadhead them when the blooms start to fade.
The Viking Bellflower
The Viking bellflower, also known as the Campanula Viking, is a relatively new hybrid perennial that you can now add to your garden. However, before you go out and purchase a few, make sure that you know how to take care of it properly.
Thinning Your Garden
Thinning is the gardener's way of helping nature with the survival of the fittest process. By removing small, deformed, or overcrowded plants you will help the healthier and vigorous ones survive and thrive. This is especially true in vegetable gardens.
Tips for Taking Cuttings
Plant cutting is a great way to get new plants out of your old ones. Hang your cuttings in a bag of soil to protect them from the elements. When making your bag of soil, mix peat and perlite and moisten them to make a good rooting mixture for your plants.
Understanding Your Birth Flower
Whether you are looking to add a little extra zip to your garden, or to a gift you are giving someone, then understating birth flowers is a great way to go. Understanding your birth flower isn't hard, but it can be quite entertaining.
What are Cuttings?
If you're wanting more plants in your house or garden, but don't want to spend the money then you might want to look into cuttings. By just using a piece of an existing plant, you can easily and cheaply grow a whole new one. But what are cuttings? Read more to find out the answer.
When to Use Cuttings
Plant cuttings are useful in many situations. You can use them for everything from saving money to trying to save a diseased plant. Read this article to find out not only what situations can use plant cuttings but what time of the year is best to use them as well.
Working with Bulbs and Bulbils
Instead of spending tons of money on new bulbs to replenish your garden every year, you can harvest what you need to grow new bulbs from the plants you have now. Pluck the bulbils from the stems of your plants and plant them according to instructions specific to each plant. Bulbils will take a long time to flower, but they are invaluable for a long-term garden.